09 September 2004

Bah!! Bikin orang gimana gitu...

Kemaren, hampir seharian gw coba republis entire blog, tapi selalu --> There were errors.
Apa yang salah??? Mulai dari jam 12 siang sampe jam 12 malem gw coba lagi, tetap aja sama, muncul --> There were errors.
Saking keselnya, langsung gw tulis ke support blogger, dan dapat jawaban sbb:
Hi there,

We apologize for the problems you have been experiencing with Blogger. We
had a simultaneous failure across multiple machines responsible for the
publishing of Blog*Spot blogs, but this issue has now been fixed. To
prevent this type of outage in the future, we are performing a full system
audit to ensure that proper redundancies are in place.

Blogger Support

Gubrakkkk!!!! Ohhhh, ngono toh massssssss....... :-(

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